Monday, January 5, 2009

Do you want to get married or just surf profiles of the opposite sex?!

MashaAllah, this web site is a real revolution in on-line marriage services. Why? Because the first mission of the site is to prepare people for the challenge and joy of marriage. This is not a site for people looking for a "halal" date -- whatever that misnomer is supposed to mean. Rather this site first trains potential marriage partners, then offers a matching service that is truly according to Islam: the wali/guardian of the woman will be part of the process, inshaAllah.

May Allah bring success to the site founders, the participants, and the families-to-be. | "Shaykh Yaser Birjas introduces Practimate and gives a quick overview of the two programs: (1) Training Only, (2) Training and Matching. Visit"

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