MashaAllah a fantastic talk by this Al Kauthar Institute instructor.

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Ilm Summit 2009 Day 13
Alhamdolillah. Allah blessed me with attending IlmSummit 2009, and I found this video that Brother Belal made, mashaAllah. This slice of IlmSummit gives you a better taste for the barakat there than my words. So please enjoy the video, and make dua for me that I am able to convey the knowledge I gained to others, that the benefits I received become firm parts of my character, and that Allah chooses me again for IlmSummit when next year's event takes place.
Khalid Al Juhaym Part 1 Surat Yusef 1429 2009
MashaAllah. Come to taraweeh salat after Isha in most any masjid around the world, and you will find people exulting in the beautiful verses of the Holy Qur'an, alhamdolillah. Worshiping Allah is itself a blessing for the believer. How great is Allah that His slaves are ennobled by their obeisance to Him?!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
بيت النبي محمد (صلى الله عليه و سلم)
MashaAllah, this beautiful animation sequence helps people visualize the homes of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad sull Allaho alayhi wa sallam. It's in Arabic, but pretty easy to follow.
Dimensions are metric only because KSA follows the metric system. So 1.5 means one a half meters, about 5 feet. And .70 means 70 centimeters which is around 2.5 feet.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Torturing Democracy
Witness the hubris of the Bush Administration's War on Terror. Ask yourself how the country that prosecuted Nazis for "following orders" could suffer a President who claimed for himself the power to absolve of war crimes those who carried out torture under his authority. Watching this series is difficult.
Please note that all 10 clips can be accessed in this one player. And you can skip ahead if you do not have time to watch all of them. Running time is roughly 1 hour.
Friday, April 10, 2009
IlmSummit 2009
Make dua for me, Allah caused me to be accepted as a student for Ilm Summit 2009. MashaAllah, laa quwwata illa billah. :)
Young Man Digs a Grave
MashaAllah, Riza was one of my roommates during the certification, and he is a remarkable person. May Allah bless him in all his endeavors, forgive him his mistakes and sins, and enter him into Jannat al Firdaus without question.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Funny Jingle for Muslim Singles |
MashaAllah -- this jingle sums up the conundrum of marriage for practicing Muslims living in communities where traditional arranged marriages often fail to meet the needs of men and women.
May Allah put barakat in the training, matching, and humor at Practimate.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Halal and Haram part 1 of 25
Imagine if the food you ate were haram -- what would do to your relationship with Allah? What would it do to your salat? What would it do to your ibadat? How would it effect you in this life?
And how would you avoid such evil in your life?
Well, the income with which you buy that food -- that, too, needs to be halal. The same money that buys the roof over your head, the clothes on your back. All of it needs to be halal.
That's why I am so glad to have found this lecture series. May Allah make it a cause of success for me and for you, ameen.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Architectural Proposal for New Extension of Masjid al Haram
bismillah was salamu alaykum. i think the new plans are interesting, but i notice that the "grand doors" will effectively remove at least two levels of "tawaf" space from the Haram. tawaf is often translated as circumambulation, but to understand the impact just realize that each tawaf circuit means moving in a continuous circle around the Kaaba.
right now during Hajj, but also during Umrah, one finds people making tawaf inside the masjid itself on the first, and second floors, or on its roof or in its basement in the most crowded times.
this new plan's greatest flaw in my opinion is its apparent impact on tawaf.
from a design perspective, i like the arches individually, and love the careful effort to maximize views of the Kaaba.
but the lines of arches look more to me like vertebrae, and the effect is not immediately to me of a person in sujud, as of some great beasts which came to a watering hole and died there. now only their bleached spines and ribs attesting to their presence.
from the sky, the structure, if it did replace the whole of the current Haram, would be much more like a beautiful flower. but as long as one can look at the profile, i for one would have to force myself to think "sujud."
i hope they make istikhara before they make any final decisions. :)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Br. Nouman Gives Riddle To Qabeelat Hosna
that's right! Bayyinah Institute has teamed up with Al Maghrib to present beneficial knowledge to both student bodies, inshaAllah.
inshaAllah -- it is going to be a great class. make sure you sign up in take the class in Houston! :)
Friday, February 20, 2009
We're Going to Gaza - More From Viva Palestina
innalhamdolillah, wa bismillah. this is a convoy of good people, standing up for a just cause. may they find peace on the road ahead of them, and peace behind them. peace to the right of them, and peace to the left of them. peace above them, and may their way be paved with peace.
lol, Galloway said “Allaho Akbar.” may Allah guide him soon to say “la ilaha illAllah” with his whole heart.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Viva Palestina: Send Your Love to Gaza
May Allah give success to this mission of peace and mercy. May Allah keep these people safe. Let the despots who have terrorized Gaza with bombs, F-16s, missile strikes, naval bombardment, and land invasion -- let the Zionists take heed that the world is watching, and that the lives of Gaza are as precious to the world as any other lives.
Monday, January 19, 2009
UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in Gaza
bismillah. this is not strictly speaking the kind of video that gets uploaded to this blog. there are no Muslims speaking. there are no lessons taught by the speaker about Islam per se.
rather, this is an example of a person who was like non-Muslims at the time of another blockade and embargo. when the Muslims were under total embargo by Quraysh such that food had to be smuggled to them, and that was so rare, too, that grown men would chew on pieces of leather they found in the open -- at that time when the mushrikeen were still more human than the modern Israelis in that the mushrikeen withheld force of arms and did not outright attack either the Muslims nor the tribe and allies of Banu Hashim.
this man of conscience speaks the truth about Israeli brutalities against the Palestinians and the actions he urges his own government to take are good. still, better, perhaps, if his words were delivered when the hall was not empty, if they were delivered in a fashion calculated to achieve results.
results happened when the leaders of Quraysh found themselves outflanked politically by earnest young men in their ranks who sought the end to the embargo on what we would now recognize were humanitarian grounds. they planned, mashaAllah, and they moved the council of Quraysh to end the embargo. so clearly, if people want to succeed, and if Allah wills their success, then they cannot help but succeed.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
Do you want to get married or just surf profiles of the opposite sex?!
MashaAllah, this web site is a real revolution in on-line marriage services. Why? Because the first mission of the site is to prepare people for the challenge and joy of marriage. This is not a site for people looking for a "halal" date -- whatever that misnomer is supposed to mean. Rather this site first trains potential marriage partners, then offers a matching service that is truly according to Islam: the wali/guardian of the woman will be part of the process, inshaAllah.
May Allah bring success to the site founders, the participants, and the families-to-be. | "Shaykh Yaser Birjas introduces Practimate and gives a quick overview of the two programs: (1) Training Only, (2) Training and Matching. Visit"