In sha Allah, tomorrow is the start of the largest Muslim convention in Texas, the sixth annual Texas Dawah Convention at the George Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. Here's their web site: When I went to Chicago for the Al Maghrib Institute's History of the Khulufaa class in August, alhamdolillah, every person I met who learned I was from Texas asked about TDC. And when I went to New York for the Al Maghrib Institute Aqeedah 101 class, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi gave an unreserved endorsement of the convention calling it the finest Muslim gathering in North America, ma sha Allah. I have never been to TDC before, but I plan to go this year, in sha Allah. Here's a link to the program: And here is a slice of Texas, recorded apparently by the BBC, and showing the strength of Dawah here, alhamdolillah. The Google Video description follows: "The documentary explores the lives of several Texan families. Muslim and Non Muslim, and their views about Islam and life in the West. "George W Bush may be backed by Christian fundamentalists but in his home state of Texas, Islam is the latest big draw. The Bible belt is transferring its allegiance to the Quran because, for many erstwhile Christians, believe it or not, the church is too liberal. "Eric was a Baptist preacher before he became a Muslim 14 years ago. Now he prays five times a day and even in the middle of watching a football game. His wife, Karen, also a convert, is covered from head to toe in the traditional Muslim burka. Islam, says Eric, is everything I wanted Christianity to be. His mother has found it hard to come to terms with her sons conversion and believes he will return to the Christian faith: Then he will be a dynamic preacher. Eric says: 'Maybe some day she will embrace Islam.' "Please Visit for more documentaries." |

Thursday, December 21, 2006
Turning Muslim in Texas. People reverting to Islam in Texas.
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