My comments follow the Google description of the second half of the video recitation of Surah Saad: "From taraweeh prayer (Ramdan 1427H/2006), a recitation by sheikh Fahd Al-Kandari of verses 30-70 of Sûrat Sad (Surah 38 of the Holy Qur'an). There is an English translation of the meaning of the verses. "Note: (Background to understand verse 44) During the ailment of Ayyûb (Job), his wife used to beg for him, and Satan told her a word of disbelief to say and she told her husband [Ayyûb (Job)]; so he became angry with her and took an oath to strike her one hundred lashes. So Allah ordered Ayyûb (Job) to fulfil his oath by striking her with the bundle of thin grass. (Tafsîr Al-Qurtubi,)." Allah subhanahu wata ala discourages us in the Holy Quran from taking oaths generally, but especially when the oath is for something wrong or regrettable, because to break an oath is sinful. Yet He is ar Raheem, more Merciful than any of His Creations, so He gave His Prophet guidance that allowed him to fulfill the oath without causing his wife great harm. And generally, Allah subhanahu wata ala accepts the forgiveness of His servants who truly repent to Him alone. And He is ar Rahman, so His forgiveness and mercy extends to each and every creature and each every creation. Exalted is Allah above His Creations. Alhamdolillah, yesterday, I sacrificed for the first time by own hand an animal in observance of the rites of Eid al Adha, celebrating the sacrifice by Ibrahim alayhis salam of the ram that Allah subhanahu wata ala substituted for Ishmael alayhis salam. I pray that He will forgive me for my shortcomings and for my sins. That He will accept my good deeds and permit me into paradise, in sha Allah. |

Sunday, December 31, 2006
sheikh Fahd Al-Kanderi-- Surat Sad (Verses 30-70)(Eng. Sub.)--Ramdan 1427H/2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
sheikh Fahd Al-Kanderi-- Surat Sad (Verses 1-29)(Eng. Sub.)--Ramdan 1427H/2006
Eid Mubarak! Eid al Adha. A day of sacrifice. A day of rejoicing in obedience to Allah subhanahu wata ala. A day to look forward with hope for the best of rewards, the reward of Paradise that can only be earned by belief in Allah subhanahu wata ala and by performing good deeds solely to please Him. I pray for each of you Guidance to the straight path, and for all Muslims I pray for forgiveness and for the acceptance of your good deeds, in sha Allah. Here is a Google Video of the recitation of Surah Saad. Please note the video is in two parts. "From taraweeh prayer (Ramdan 1427H/2006), a recitation by sheikh Fahd Al-Kandari of verses 1-29 of Sûrat Sad (Surah 38 of the Holy Qur'an). There is an English translation of the meaning of the verses." |
Friday, December 29, 2006
Alhamdolillah, it is just after midnight for the Hajjis. After making their way from Mina, they will sleep this night under the stars in Muzdalifa. Millions of people in the pure state of Ihram, sleeping in a small valley because Allah subhanahu wata ala commanded it. For a non-Muslim, the Hajj may not make much sense. But to that person, life itself probably lacks meaning. A Muslim knows that the purpose of life is to worship the Creator -- He told us that in His message, the Holy Quran. Regardless of whether you make the Hajj, all of humanity is fated to make one journey together. Life is a very short journey compared to the eternity that comes after. When the Hajjis awake, in sha Allah, all around them people will be stirring from slumber. All Muslims. All slaves of the almighty, in complete submission to the will of Allah. On the Day of Judgment, all of humanity will stir from the slumber of death. Will you be surrounded by the truly successful ones? By believers on their way to paradise? Or will you have thought that success was measured by your enjoyment of the pleasures of this life? As the Day of Arafat draws to a close here in Houston, reflect on this Google Video about the journey we will all make, as one lecturer said, "soon or sooner." Here's the Google Video description: "DEATH - ARE YOU READY?? A scary talk about the end of your life according to the Islamic world view. Very good lecture, very intriguing. Makes you think about the real purpose of life. Really makes you think...Insha'Allah it will help us out and get our priorities straight." |
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Inside Mecca part2
It takes a bare minimum of 5 to 6 days to perform the Hajj assuming all of the rites are performed at their appointed times. Many people go for Hajj thinking it is a test of patience. But the word patience pales besides the Hajj. Every pilgrim is a guest of Allah subhanahu wata ala, but every pilgrim must persevere against their own shortcomings to enjoy the fruit of their journey. Somehow conditions that would be the height of luxury for one Hajji become too much for another to "suffer" through. Hajj reveals to a person both how far they have come and much farther they have to go in being the Muslim they hope to be. And what's wonderful about the Hajj is that for most Muslims who submit completely to the Will of Allah subhanahu wata ala, they find that their perseverence helps them become better people than they had been before. So much so that it is said that the reward of an accepted Hajj is seen most easily in those people who become better Muslims after Hajj than they were before, and in whom that change lasts and lasts. Here's the Google description for part two of the video: "A National Geographic Documentary about Islam and its teachings.Must to watch to know about the Holy Pilgrimage towards Makkah (Mecca)." |
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Inside Mecca part1
There's no place like Makkah; there's no journey like Hajj. It's already Thursday in Makkah. The Hajj is well under way. This video is quite impressive, following the Hajj of three Muslims from all over the world. But when you watch this video, remember, it was produced by non-Muslims. That comes across clearly in comments that reveal how little they appreciate the way a Muslim views the trials of performing the Hajj. Also, keep in mind that the number of Hajjis has grown tremendously. As many as 3.5 million Hajjis made the journey last year. This year more people will attend than ever before. The Saudi government does a fantastic job of hosting the Hajj. People who complain have no idea what a logistical accomplishment the Hajj represents each year. And they vastly overestimate the ability of any other nation to conduct such an exercise in religious hospitality. Here's the Google Video description: "A National Geographic Documentary about Islam and the journey towards the Holy City of Makkah for Pilgrimage.A must to watch film to know about Islam and its teachings." |
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Islamic Nasheed - Ya Makkah
Almost every person who will make Hajj this year, in sha Allah, has arrived by now. Tonight is the 7th of Dhul Hajj here in Houston, alhamdolillah. May Allah subhanahu wata ala accept the Hajj of every person who has journeyed to Makkah reciting the talbiyah, "Lubbaik Allah huma lubbaik." For those of us who yearn to be with them, this nasheed video showing pictures of the two Harram. As salamu alaykum wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuhu. The Google Video description: "This video made me love Makkah all the more..Ya Rabbi give us all chance to go there and purify ourselves." |
Monday, December 25, 2006
In the Middle of the Night - Sleeping Habits of RasulAllah (saw)
Tonight was the conclusion of the sixth annual Texas Dawah Convention, alhamdolillah, and I am very glad I attended. As glad as if Allah subhanahu wata ala had brought me to Makkah for Hajj this year? No. But glad especially in light of not going for Hajj. Because I got to spend the past few days with a convention center full of Muslims, the majority of whom were observing the sunnah of the Prophet when it came to dress and behavior. And just being with such people would increase your love for Allah, subhanahu wata ala. Add the knowledge shared by the shuyukh, and I was very satisfied, alhamdolillah. I only wish that the people who plan the schedules of Muslim conventions kept to timetables that exemplified the recommendations of the Prophet sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam. Getting a good night's sleep this weekend meant leaving the convention early, which I did every night, or sleeping right after Fajr, which was not the sunnah of the Prophet, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam. This video incorporates an audio lecture by Muhammad Alshareef that was recommended to me by many Muslims at the convention. Here's the Google Video description: "How did Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) manage his time so that he was always full of energy? What advice did he give to the Ummah about their well being with regards to sleep? And what were we thinking of when we decided to stay up late to watch a Hindi movie with English subtitles? "Ustadh Muhammad Alshareef takes a close look at the sleeping habits of Allah's Messenger (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) to address these important questions. "In cooperation with EmanRush Audio and Darussalam, join Ustadh Muhammad Alshareef on this most interesting topic: the sleeping habits of Allah's Messenger!" |
Sunday, December 24, 2006
PERFECT JUSTICE: Debunking the Male Bias Myth - by Yasir Qadhi
Ma sha Allah, Abu Ammar Yasir Qadhi rocks. Okay, he may not be a music playing reprobate, alhamdolillah. But today at the Texas Dawah Convention he gave a few lectures. And the 9 pm lecture had been scheduled for a smallish room, no more than 150 people. The overflow was so bad, that the lecture was moved to a second hall. A river of attendees flowed around several corners of the convention center's hallways. And then the larger room proved too small. So, finally, we were relocated to the Convention's prayer hall, capable of holding all the conevntion's attendees in one jamat. And that hall was big enough. But barely. Ma sha Allah! Here's Yasir addressing one of the arguments made against Islam by self-proclaimed progressive Muslims. They attack Islam as anti-women. Yasir points out the shortcomings of their rationale. Here's the Google Video description: "ILMFEST, April 22, 2006, Rosemont Convention Center, Chicago, IL. EmanRush Audio, the exclusive audio label of AlMaghrib Institute, provides you with high quality lectures to stimulate your mind with reflections of your deen. Perfect Justice: Debunking the Male Bias Myth by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi discusses the common bias existing in today's society concerning women in Islam. "To view a schedule of our current seminars held by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi and other AlMaghrib Institute Instructors, please visit" |
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Arriving at the Right Airport: Worshipping Allah the Right Way
Alhamdolillah, today was my first day of the Texas Dawah Convention. The facilities are impressive, but the best part of the day for me was reuniting with Al Maghrib Institute students I met in Chicago and New York, as well as other Muslims from all over the US. Sadly, all the lectures of Shaykh Yasser Birjas were cancelled today... [edited 12/24 -- Yesterday I was told by a convention volunteer that the Shaykh had been prevented from returning to the US from visiting his family abroad. Today I heard from an equally reliable source that the Shaykh had only had laryngitis. So I have edited the text to remove comments made when I only had one explanation. Still, there has been no definitive explanation for his absence.] Today's video is basically an audio lecture. Yasir Birjas gave this lecture -- no joke, that's the lecture's title -- and he was talking about a (different) trip to Houston, alhamdolillah. Here is the Google Video description: "Then I will come to them from before them and behind them, from their right and from their left -- Shaytaan (al Anfaal, verse 7:17) Imagine, if you will, that after many years of hard work and saving money, you decide to take a vacation to somewhere nice and relaxing, somewhere with warm weather, beautiful sunsets, and fun galore. "You plan the vacation, getting the best online rates for flights and hotel, and planning out the different tourist attractions you'll visit. It's gonna be a great month. "The day finally arrives - you're packed up and ready to go. You drive to the airport and check in all your belongings. Paradise is just a few hours away and you couldn't be happier. "You're so happy, in fact, that you don't PAY ATTENTION to where you're going, and end up taking the wrong flight...To Antarctica...And there are no return flights for another 3 months. "How would you feel about something like that happening to you? Could it be possible that you'll be landing on Judgement Day at the wrong airport? Could all the years of past worship just go in vain? "This is lecture is for you if: 1. You have a hard time enjoying your ibaadah. 2. You're interested in increasing your Iman. 3. You're pretty sure you're going to Jannah." |
Friday, December 22, 2006
Suhaib Webb `Id Talk @ Stanford University
Shuaib Webb is a great speaker and khatib. I heard him give a khutba in Houston this summer. The following video was made during the celebrations after Eid ul Fitr, the celebration that follows the month of fasting during Ramadan. Muslims have two annual days of Eid. The first celebration is Eid ul Fitr. The second is Eid ul Adha which occurs at the pinnacle of the Hajj but is celebrated by Muslims worldwide. It is a commemoration of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael at the command of Allah. Muslims believe that the devil tried three times to tempt Abraham and his son to defy Allah's commandment, but each time they remained steadfast. Today, great stone markers stand at each of the three places where the devil approached, and Muslim pilgrims on Hajj throw small rocks at each of these stones to symbolize their rejection of all that tempts them to defy the will of Allah. Allah subhanahu wata ala was satisfied with the obedience of his two prophets, may peace be upon them both, and so an animal took the place of Ishmael and was slaughtered instead. Whenever Muslims slaughter any animal, it is killed in the same manner, and the animal is always killed in the name of Allah. The meat from animals sacrificed on Eid ul Adha is apportioned so that some is for close family, some for other relatives, and some is for the poor and needy in the community. Just last night I came upon this uploaded home movie of Shaykh Webb at Stanford. He discusses how Muslims celebrate such occasions. Here's all of the Google video description: "Suhaib Webb `Id Talk @ Stanford University - 10/28/06" |
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Turning Muslim in Texas. People reverting to Islam in Texas.
In sha Allah, tomorrow is the start of the largest Muslim convention in Texas, the sixth annual Texas Dawah Convention at the George Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. Here's their web site: When I went to Chicago for the Al Maghrib Institute's History of the Khulufaa class in August, alhamdolillah, every person I met who learned I was from Texas asked about TDC. And when I went to New York for the Al Maghrib Institute Aqeedah 101 class, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi gave an unreserved endorsement of the convention calling it the finest Muslim gathering in North America, ma sha Allah. I have never been to TDC before, but I plan to go this year, in sha Allah. Here's a link to the program: And here is a slice of Texas, recorded apparently by the BBC, and showing the strength of Dawah here, alhamdolillah. The Google Video description follows: "The documentary explores the lives of several Texan families. Muslim and Non Muslim, and their views about Islam and life in the West. "George W Bush may be backed by Christian fundamentalists but in his home state of Texas, Islam is the latest big draw. The Bible belt is transferring its allegiance to the Quran because, for many erstwhile Christians, believe it or not, the church is too liberal. "Eric was a Baptist preacher before he became a Muslim 14 years ago. Now he prays five times a day and even in the middle of watching a football game. His wife, Karen, also a convert, is covered from head to toe in the traditional Muslim burka. Islam, says Eric, is everything I wanted Christianity to be. His mother has found it hard to come to terms with her sons conversion and believes he will return to the Christian faith: Then he will be a dynamic preacher. Eric says: 'Maybe some day she will embrace Islam.' "Please Visit for more documentaries." |
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
A Visual Guide to Madinah Al Munawwarah: The Second Holiest City in Islam
How do you begin to describe the city of Madinah? It's full name is Madinah al Munawwarah. It was the adopted home of the Prophet, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam. And its two main tribes adopted the Prophet, defending him and his faith, on the basis of a most blessed bargain: All they were promised was that their reward would be Paradise, and that the Prophet would not forsake them when Allah would one day liberate his original home, Makkah, from the idolators who hated Islam. The tribes of Yathrib, as Madinah was once called, used to fight decimating wars against each other. Islam was literally a path to peace for them. These tribes had no great renown in Arabia, and the Prophet sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam had never given them a lot of attention in his quest to find support among the tribes that came to Makkah for Hajj. But when the people of Yathrib showed their interest in Islam, the Prophet sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam, sent them a sahaba who devoted himself to their education. In a short time, there were Muslims in every home in Madinah. And it was not long after that time that Madinah became a refuge for Muslims that rivaled the previous emigrations to Abyssinia. And when the Prophet sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam arrived in Yathrib, it was the start of the first Islamic nation state. Alhamdolillah. And Madinah has been blessed ever since. There are only three masjids that Muslims have ever been permitted to visit on religious pilgrimmage. They are the holy mosques in Makkah, Madinah, and Jerusalem. Madinah's proximity to Makkah, and Jerusalem's occupation by the Israelis, means that Muslims who travel for Hajj or Umrah will usually also visit Madinah. May Allah subhanahu wata ala bless the pilgrims, the Hujjaj, keep them safe, and accept their Hajj, in sha Allah. This Google Video was produced in Toronto. It is a few years out of date. Most notably, the area of Khandaq, the Trench, which was also known as the "seven mosques" has changed considerably. Today, one mosque stands where the multiple structures stood. Also, the video perpetuates what is a small confusion about the masjid of the Prophet, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam. The following information was provided by scholars who studied at Madinah University. Poor single men did live inside the masjid, but that area was all along the back wall of the masjid. The area was not limited to the two raised platforms that can be found today near where the Prophet sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam is buried, in the home of his wife Aisha, radi Allah anha. Here is the Google Video description: "Learn about the holiest city in Islam second only to Mecca (Makkah.) This includes the The Mosque of the Prophet (peace be upon him.)" |
Converts - Coming to Islam
You don't need much more than the Google video description: "See why Tanya choose Islam" And then go out and choose Islam for yourself, in sha Allah. |
Monday, December 18, 2006
Light of Guidance - NYC - Qabilat Taybah
"Everyone's second home should be Taybah" Taybah is one of the names for the city of Madinah, the adopted city of the Prophet Muhammad, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam. The New York Al Maghrib organization recently chose Taybah as its name when it became a full-fledged Qabilah. Al Maghrib Qabilahs are formed in cities where a strong commitment to learning about Islam in Al Maghrib courses is matched with an equally strong commitment to building a strong Muslim community. Anyone can enroll in an Al Maghrib Institute class, and the in-class time commitment is only two weekends. Classes are taught by dynamic instructors who are qualified scholars and students of Islam, most of whom grew up in North America but received degrees in their specialities abroad. What has been equally attractive to me about Al Maghrib courses, though, are the students. When I went on Hajj last year, alhamdolillah, there were quite a few Al Maghrib students in my group. And I came to respect greatly the way they conducted themselves. I also got to meet the founder of the Al Maghrib Institute, Muhammad Alshareef, and I really feel that his discussions of how a person should approach Hajj helped me to get the most out of my time there. I pray that Allah subhanahu wata ala will accept the efforts of these people to spread the right information about Islam and to live their lives as good Muslims. So far I have taken four Al Maghrib Institute courses. The fourth was Aqeedah 101, "Light of Guidance." The class is taught by Yasir Qadhi who got a bachelor's degree in Engineering in Houston before getting bachelor's and master's degrees from Madinah University. He is presently working on a doctorate from Yale. Yasir goes by his kunya, Abu Ammar. Not only was it a pleasure to take this core class in theology from him, but it was great to experience the hospitality of the students in New York, Taybah, as well. Here's the Google Video description (and yes, I did get included in the video): "A collection of reflections on the Al Maghrib course "Light of Guidance" which based on the fundamentals of Islam. Main topics include: Aqeedah, Iman, Shirk, Nifaq, Kufr, Biddah, Tawheed. The class is taught by Shaykh Yaser Qadhi." |
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Hamza Yusuf - Changing The Tide
Ma sha Allah, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf has become one of the most widely respected and recognized scholars among American Muslims. He spoke on how Islam is viewed in America, and the role of Muslims in changing those perceptions. The gathering was a meeting of ICNA, the Islamic Cicle of North America. Here's the Google Video description: "Hamza Yusuf delivered the key note speech at the ICNA "Why Islam?" Symposium on March 18, 2006. Hamza Yusuf addresses the importance of proving that Islam is a beneficial presence in America." |
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Simply Hajj - Presented by Yusuf Estes and Yvonne Ridley on Islam Channel 1/2
All around the world, alhamdolillah, Muslims are setting out by land, sea, and air for Makkah. Many of them set out months ago, as the holy months in which Muslims begin to prepare for this journey commence with the end of Ramadan. What's in Makkah? The Hajj, the largest annual gathering of human beings in the history of mankind. Imagine over three million people arriving in the same small city, visiting the same mosque, and then in a short span of days performing the same rituals in the same small valleys. Why? To please Allah, subhanahu wata ala. I made Hajj last year, alhamdolillah, and it was the most significant event in my entire life. Like most Muslims, this year I will watch my friends and relatives leave for Hajj, wishing I could join them, praying for them that their Hajj will be accepted. For a Hajj that is accepted by Allah, subhanahu wata ala, means nothing less than His mercy on the Day of Judgment and to abide in Heaven forever, in sha Allah. This is one of many videos that discusses the Hajj. It's noteworthy that both hosts came to Islam in adulthood. Here's the Google description: "Join Yusuf Estes and Yvonne Ridley for a show which takes you through different aspects of hajj. To visit Yusuf Estes's Websites: To visit Yvonne Ridley's website: To watch Islam Channel 24 Hours Live on internet:" |
What a voice
Ma sha Allah! Can there be any doubt that the Quran is the beautiful word of Allah? All praise is for Allah, Lord of all creation. May He continue to bless this child and his parents in this life and in the next. For those who do not know, these verses appear at the start of Ya Seen, the 36th chapter or Surah of the Quran. The actual words of the Creator were revealed in the language of Arabic. For non-Arabs like me, one of the best renderings of the meaning of the Quran into English is by Sahih International. Here's the Google Video description: "An eight year old kid reciting some verses of Sura Yasin from the Holy Quran..Look how beautiful his voice is" |
Friday, December 15, 2006
In the light of Islam (questions about the beard etc.) - by Bilal Philips
No nonsense answers to questions posed by students. Shaykh Bilal Philips has an excellent grasp of Aqeedah or Islamic theology. But he also does a great job of explaining issues of Fiqh, or the rulings that govern day-to-day life. For example, the very first question posed gives him the opportunity to explain the concept of the Sunnah when it comes to what is Wajib, what is obligatory for a Muslim in daily life. Here's the Google Video description: "In the light of Islam (questions about the beard etc.) - by dr. Bilal Philips" |
Thursday, December 14, 2006
The Ideal Role Model
Who do you most admire? Who do you most want to emulate? Who's your hero? For many people, the answer is a professional athlete, a military hero, an actor, a musician, a politician, or a business mogul. But for Muslims who have studied his life, the heartfelt answer is Muhammad, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam, the last Prophet of Allah, subhanahu wata ala. Here's the Google Video description for this program: "South African Speaker, Teacher of Prophetic Traditions, Suliman Moola discourses about a growing problem in all lives today. Depression vs. Contentment. This was delivered in the Islamic Foundation of Toronto." |
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I found this BBC program today on Google Video. Alhamdolillah, Islam calls people all over the world to lead righteous lives. While these British Muslims who have embraced Islam do face challenges, Allah subhanahu wata ala's Mercy to them is obvious. May they continue to grow in their faith and obedience to Him, in sha Allah. |
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Problems in the Hearts of Teens - Bilal Philips
Shaykh Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips takes topics from an audience of Muslim teens and pre-teens. He's thoughtful and funny, ma sha Allah, but best of all his guidance is based on Quran and Sunnah. By the way, the web site is a huge fantastic site! How fantastic? -- They have many more videos than I have. -- They also have Google-embedded videos. -- Did I mention that they have way more videos? Wow. That's awesome, ma sha Allah! Okay, I will not be at all offended by anyone who would rather visit The main reasons to keep coming back here? I'm choosing the videos. And you might not find every video I have on their site. Here's the Google description for this Bilal Philips video: "Bilal Philips discusses the problems that face teens and how to cure them. Visit for more videos like this!" |
Monday, December 11, 2006
Abdullah - From Hinduism to Islam
Alhamdolillah, many people are accepting Islam, and making videos that tell their stories. While many Muslims here focus on Christians who have accepted Islam, here is a video that reminds us that dawah is owed to all. Abdullah was born and raised Hindu in North America, yet, ma sha Allah, he came to Islam. Allah Ho Akbar! Here's the description that is offered for the video on Google Video: "Abdullah converted to Islam from Hinduism. Hear his story before and after Islam. Here is a summary of how he got there." |
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi got a haircut?
No, that's not Yasir! It's the announcer getting ready to introduce Yasir to an audience of 30,000 in London! Ma sha Allah! Here's the description that is offered for the video on Google Video: "This is the lecture that Sh. Yasir Qadhi gave at the Global Peace and Unity Event, 2006, which took place at ExCel in London, U.K., on the 26th of Nov. 2006. The Global Peace and Unity Event is the largest gathering of Muslims in the Western world, and is sponsored by Islam Channel." |
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