Monday, January 19, 2009

UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in Gaza

bismillah. this is not strictly speaking the kind of video that gets uploaded to this blog. there are no Muslims speaking. there are no lessons taught by the speaker about Islam per se.

rather, this is an example of a person who was like non-Muslims at the time of another blockade and embargo. when the Muslims were under total embargo by Quraysh such that food had to be smuggled to them, and that was so rare, too, that grown men would chew on pieces of leather they found in the open -- at that time when the mushrikeen were still more human than the modern Israelis in that the mushrikeen withheld force of arms and did not outright attack either the Muslims nor the tribe and allies of Banu Hashim.

this man of conscience speaks the truth about Israeli brutalities against the Palestinians and the actions he urges his own government to take are good. still, better, perhaps, if his words were delivered when the hall was not empty, if they were delivered in a fashion calculated to achieve results.

results happened when the leaders of Quraysh found themselves outflanked politically by earnest young men in their ranks who sought the end to the embargo on what we would now recognize were humanitarian grounds. they planned, mashaAllah, and they moved the council of Quraysh to end the embargo. so clearly, if people want to succeed, and if Allah wills their success, then they cannot help but succeed.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Do you want to get married or just surf profiles of the opposite sex?!

MashaAllah, this web site is a real revolution in on-line marriage services. Why? Because the first mission of the site is to prepare people for the challenge and joy of marriage. This is not a site for people looking for a "halal" date -- whatever that misnomer is supposed to mean. Rather this site first trains potential marriage partners, then offers a matching service that is truly according to Islam: the wali/guardian of the woman will be part of the process, inshaAllah.

May Allah bring success to the site founders, the participants, and the families-to-be. | "Shaykh Yaser Birjas introduces Practimate and gives a quick overview of the two programs: (1) Training Only, (2) Training and Matching. Visit"