Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Ilm Summit 2009 Day 13
Alhamdolillah. Allah blessed me with attending IlmSummit 2009, and I found this video that Brother Belal made, mashaAllah. This slice of IlmSummit gives you a better taste for the barakat there than my words. So please enjoy the video, and make dua for me that I am able to convey the knowledge I gained to others, that the benefits I received become firm parts of my character, and that Allah chooses me again for IlmSummit when next year's event takes place.
Khalid Al Juhaym Part 1 Surat Yusef 1429 2009
MashaAllah. Come to taraweeh salat after Isha in most any masjid around the world, and you will find people exulting in the beautiful verses of the Holy Qur'an, alhamdolillah. Worshiping Allah is itself a blessing for the believer. How great is Allah that His slaves are ennobled by their obeisance to Him?!