Friday, December 19, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
MANA - Yasir Qadhi clears up many misconceptions
What is MANA? Why MANA?
Who does MANA represent?
Intelligent answers, mashaAllah, and a great introduction to what looks like a very beneficial group. Follow the link to read more of Yasir Qadhi's thoughts on MANA.
Muslim Documentary
Imagine it! You're a US citizen, getting your graduate degree in Europe, and someone you know visits you. He stays with you for two weeks. Two years later, you're in an airport. What happens!?!?!?!?
Here's the digg link. Share this video with everyone you know -- Muslim, non-Muslim, it really does not matter!!!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Yusha Evans journey to islam
mashaAllah -- even if you only watch the first four minutes of this video, you will be profoundly moved, inshaAllah.
"you don't pour clear water down a dirty pipe and get clean water out. you don't pour a book this pure through a dirty man and get out a book as pure as this. so Muhammad had to be that pure." sull Allaho alayhi wa sallam.
that's a pretty-close quote from the video. worth watching the whole thing. his web site is http://findislamonline.com/
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
McMaster Quran Competition 2008
MashaAllah, a great competition. One in which truly ever competitor can strive for the best victory -- pleasing Allah subhanahu wata ala. Allahumma taqabbul minkum wa minna.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Why and How to Learn the Arabic Spoken in the Qur'an (Koran)
Nouman Ali Khan of Bayyinah (www.bayyinah.com) speaking in Houston, explains the importance of studying Arabic for comprehension of the Qur'an. And he discusses the pitfalls of many techniques used by students. Finally, he describes the advantages of his teaching methods. A must-see for any student studying Arabic to better understand the Qur'an.
Go to Google Video | digg story
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
HajjCoach Session 01 - Everything You Need To Know
bismillah. mashaAllah! i had tawfeeq to make hajj with shaykh Muhammad when i had no idea who he is or what the Al Maghrib Institute is. and now you can benefit from his advice on following the sunnah when you go for Hajj, even if you are traveling with a different group! i'll post more of these later inshaAllah.
HajjCoach Session 01 - Everything You Need To Know
bismillah. mashaAllah! i had tawfeeq to make hajj with shaykh Muhammad when i had no idea who he is or what the Al Maghrib Institute is. and now you can benefit from his advice on following the sunnah when you go for Hajj, even if you are traveling with a different group! i'll post more of these later inshaAllah.
NBC NEWS: 20000 Americans Convert To ISLAM Each Year !
bismillah. i am not sure how long this report was aired on NBC, but the video was recently added to youtube.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
HajjCoach Session 03 - Tying Up Loose Ends
bismillah. make these decisions for yourselves now. if not for hajj, then just because qadar can take you at any time. and no one is able to do all this for you.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
HajjCoach Session 02 - Measuring Salah Quality
bismillah. Allaho Akbar! this is such a beneficial video! improving the quality of one's salah is something that pays so many dividends! i am so happy i saw this video, that i can hardly stop using exclamation marks... there. okay. see, even without exclamation marks, i still recommend this video to you.
HajjCoach Session 01 - Everything You Need To Know
bismillah. mashaAllah! the availability of these lectures is a great blessing. i had tawfiq to make Hajj with this shaykh before i ever learned anything about him. and the benefits of that Hajj over what i had contemplated for myself are so great that more than two years later, i am still so grateful to Allah that He let me be in such good company during the most important journey of my life.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Muhammad Alshareef - Perished Nations Series - The People of Pharoah - 3 of 3
InshaAllah, if you want Shaykh Muhammad's notes for this lecture, follow the link above, and post a comment there. If enough of us ask for the notes, he has said that he would post.
Muhammad Alshareef - Perished Nations Series - The People of Pharoah - 2 of 3
InshaAllah, if you want Shaykh Muhammad's notes for this lecture, follow the link above, and post a comment there. If enough of us ask for the notes, he has said that he would post.
Muhammad Alshareef - Perished Nations Series - The People of Pharoah - 1 of 3
InshaAllah, if you want Shaykh Muhammad's notes for this lecture, follow the link above, and post a comment there. If enough of us ask for the notes, he has said that he would post.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Muhammad Alshareef - Perished Nations Series - The People of Lot - 3 of 3
You can get Shaykh Muhammad's notes for each lecture by following the link above, mashaAllah.
Muhammad Alshareef - Perished Nations Series - The People of Lot - 2 of 3
You can get Shaykh Muhammad's notes for each lecture by following the link above, mashaAllah.
Muhammad Alshareef - Perished Nations Series - The People of Lot - 1 of 3
You can get Shaykh Muhammad's notes for each lecture by following the link above, mashaAllah.