Alhamdolillah, Shaykh Estes accepted that the Supremacy of the Almighty and became a Muslim after having been a protestant preacher for most of his adult life.
So, he speaks as someone whose love for Prophet Jesus cannot be questioned.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Sheikh Yusuf Estes - Talks about Jesus in Islam
Monday, February 19, 2007
The Purification Act Trailer
I believe this class was most recently taught in November 2006 in Toronto. Make dua that in sha Allah it will be taught again soon. And then go take it! You need this class!
Salat brings you closer to Allah subhanahu wata ala. It is the prescribed form of worship (as opposed to dua, or simple prayer), and it is a blessing from Allah subhanahu wata ala that we refresh ourselves thus five times a day.
Allah subhanahu wata ala does not need your salat. He needs nothing from any of His creation.
Rather, in your salat you participate in your faith. Ever heard a motivational speaker tell you that you have to participate in the solution to your problem? Well, when you make salat, you participate in your very salvation.
In sha Allah, may you and I be guided to Allah subhanahu wata ala's Mercy and the Straight Path. May He perfect our worship and accept it from us. Ameen.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Turn only to Allah -- Shirk in Tashahhud??
Alhamdolillah, here is a great excerpt of a lecture by Shaykh Bilal Philips. In it he not only explains the general concept of turning only to Allah subhanahu wata ala for help or salvation, but he also sheds light on an important part of salat.
All Muslims make tashahhud during salat in which they praise Allah subhanahu wata ala and wish salam upon His messenger, Muhammad, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam.
All over the world Muslims either recite the tashahhud exactly as it was taught by the Prophet, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam. Or, they recite it today as it was recited by the sahaba after the death of the Prophet, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam. After his death, the sahaba, and there are apparently multiple narrations on this point, changed the wording of the tashahhud so that it did not address the Prophet sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam as though he were still alive.
Alhamdolillah, I would not be worried that all of your salat may have been invalidated just by how you recite the tashahhud: clearly the scholars are not unanimously decided on how this part of salat should be taught or recited.
I prefer to focus on this lesson: no Muslims on the face of the planet have had a better grasp of how to practice Islam than those who got their information straight from the Messenger of Allah, subhanahu wata ala. And here we see an excellent example of their wisdom, a reminder of Muhammad sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam's humanity and mortality.
And a reminder that only Allah subhanahu wata ala is Ever-Living and Eternal.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Message to UK Students - 1 of 14
I can remember watching Ahmed Deedat's debate with Jimmy Swaggart on video tape when I was a kid. Alhamdolillah, he has been given a great gift of public speaking.
If you listen to nothing else, listen to the segment of this lecture in England that starts at 3:15. Allah subhanahu wata ala warns Muslims that Christians and Jews want Muslims to be like them.
And today I also heard the words of an apostate, Ayaan Hirsi Ali. The former Somali, former Dutch parliamentarian, former Muslimah who said explicitly that she thinks Western governments should encourage "moderate" Muslims to change their religion.
Why? Because she wants Muslims to declare that the correct relationship of man to Allah is not that man submits to the WIll of his Creator. Not that man must obey or submit to the Will of the Lord of all creation. She said that rather than submission, the relationship should be one of "confrontation."
How could anyone propose such an idea? In defending the movie she wrote in which she had verses of the Quran written on the naked bodies of women, she said she knew that she would be accused of blasphemy, but that her response was which one was holier? "The woman or the verse?" That kind of statement encapsulates her view.
Here is a woman who simply does not want to submit to the will of Allah, subhanahu wata ala. So much so that she proudly proclaims herself "Infidel," the name of her autobiography.
But she is not satisfied with her own apostasy. She is not satisfied with her own defiance of "La ilaha illAllah" -- that there is no illa, god, or supreme authority, worthy of worship except Allah.
She wants Muslims to embrace her illa, which is to say that she wants Muslims to put themselves, to put humanity, on par with its Creator.
Just the other day I heard a lecture by Muhammad Alshareef in which he was talking about a Muslimah he knew who accepted Islam. She told him that her decision to accept Islam had NOTHING to do with women's rights, NOTHING to do with the past accomplishments of Muslim civilization, NOTHING to do with anything, EXCEPT with her realization of her relationship to Allah subhanahu wata ala. And that realization was that she had to submit to His Will, alhamdolillah.
And it's that simple.
If you accept that there is no one, no concept, and no source worthy of worship, worthy of total obedience, other than Allah, your Lord, your Creator -- then submit to Him completely and become a Muslim.
If you do not want to submit to Him, then that's fine. "Lakum deenokum walihuddin" -- to you your religion, and to me mine.
Don't ask me to change the nature of Islam to satisfy you. And don't claim you'd only be asking for my benefit -- if you have a problem with me practicing Islam, IT'S YOUR PROBLEM, not mine.
Friday, February 9, 2007
Why a revert chose Islam over Shia
This video highlights one of the practical differences between the Muslims who call themselves Shia and the rest of the followers of the Prophet, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam, commonly referred to as Sunni Muslims or Ahl us Sunnah.
It's an important distinction because present-day Shia claim to be continuing in the tradition of Ali radia Allaho anho, the fourth Caliph, who was cousin and son-in-law to the Prophet, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam.
Yet these present-day Shia differ most markedly from Ali radi Allaho anho in that Ali radi Allaho anho never disrespected the other companions of the Prophet, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam. The terrible things that today's Shia attribute to the sahaba are all false.
May Allah subhanahu wata ala guide them to the straight path and to renounce their misdeeds and the lies they spread about the sahaba.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Sahaba - Muadh Ibn Jabl (raa)
Ma sha Allah! I met this brother at a class on the history of the Khulufaa. Alhamdolillah, he actually found a good way to share that information. And I vouch for his conscientiousness, too, because while at the course, I prayed fajr at a masjid near where I stayed -- it happened to be the one that he attends, and ma sha Allah, he was an organizer of an effort to increase attendance at Fajr in the masjid. May Allah subhanahu wata ala give him success in all these efforts.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Jerome Claire - How I wrestled my way to Islam ( 1 of 2 )
Ma sha Allah, here is the inspirational story of a man who was born blind, but who was taught to take care of himself. He overcame his physical limitations to join his school's wrestling team. He became a champion at age 11. Then later in life he became a professional wrestler. Learn how easily he pinned his old religious beliefs. Alhamdolillah, his sabr is something that will inspire you, just as his decision to accept Islam will bring you joy, in sha Allah.