bismillah. alhamdolillahi Rabbil ala meen.
this nasheed has become for many people the classic Muslim protest song -- the Muslim's "We Shall Overcome."
may Allah subhanahu wata ala make all of us from among those with whom He is pleased. may He guide us to the straight path. those whom He has guided, no one can lead them astray. and those whom He has left in misguidance, no one can guide them to truth.

Sunday, November 25, 2007
Ghuraba (Strangers)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Friday, June 8, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Desert Rose - Part 1 - "Read"
I took the full two-weekend course on the life of the Prophet Muhammad, sull Allaho alayhi wa sallam, with this speaker. Alhamdolillah, this is a good intro to the life of the man whom Allah chose to be a mercy to all of mankind, sull Allaho alayhi wa sallam.
Monday, April 16, 2007
UMMA Community Clinic
You have no idea how it felt to watch this video. May Allah subhanahu wata ala bless them in the hereafter, for surely He has blessed them in this life. May He increase them in strength so that they can take this message across the country and inspire the Muslims who have not acted. For surely they are racing ahead of us towards Jannat al Firdaws.
University Muslim Medical Association(UMMA) Community Clinic
Here's a video that I encourage you to listen to. You'll hear a lot of good, and ma sha Allah, you'll about the good work of Muslim medical students in LA.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Muslim Prayer - No Excuse to Miss it
Pray to the One Who created you, Who created everything in this universe, Who Alone is worthy of worship. Be grateful to Him, and seek guidance and aid only from Him.
Come to Islam! And if people have taught you to doubt Islam, seek knowledge and still pray only to the Creator, He Who is your Lord. Ask Him to open your heart to the truth before the end of your life, for He is the One Who gave you life, and He has appointed a time for each of us to leave this life behind.
You only have that much time to figure out the truth and to worship Him alone!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Ma sha Allah! Here is another video from the McMaster Qirat competition! "UTM recitor at QQC 2007" |
Muhammad Luhaydaan - Qiraat Ar Rahman
What is particularly nice about this video is the hadith offered by the producers giving evidence to how important the surah was to the sahaba, radi Allaho anhum.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
QQC 2007
Ma sha Allah! May Allah subhanahu wata ala bless and reward in this life and in the next all of those who participated, those who judged, those who competed, those who listened, and those who raised all of them with a love for the Qur'an. Ameen.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Muhammad Luhaydaan- Aali 'Imraan
Ma sha Allah, watching Muslims praying in jamat, attentively listening to the beautiful qirat, makes you wish to be amongst them. Makes your love for them grow. And makes you wish to hasten to prayer.
From Youtube description: "Recitation from Taraweeh from Surah Aali Imran by Muhammad bin Ibraahim Al-Luhaydaan." Added January 11.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Stanford: Shaykh Yasser Birjas Islam Awareness Month 07
Ma sha Allah, Shaykh Yasser Birjas gives a lecture here on a topic that too few people associate with Islam, Love. Allah subhanahu wata ala made love a mercy for mankind. Without it humanity would hardly be human. So of course, Islam, the complete way of life to which Allah's messenger called us, addresses this gift. There's a good summary of Shaykh Yasser Birjas' life and resume as well in the introduction. Here's the Google Video description: "The concept of love between man and a woman as understood by early islamic scholars. By Yasir Birjais of the Al Maghrib Institute by Islamic Society of Stanford University. Sponsered by Bechtel International Center, MSAN, Abassi Institute and Center for religious life Stanford." |
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Sheikh Yusuf Estes - Talks about Jesus in Islam
Alhamdolillah, Shaykh Estes accepted that the Supremacy of the Almighty and became a Muslim after having been a protestant preacher for most of his adult life.
So, he speaks as someone whose love for Prophet Jesus cannot be questioned.
Monday, February 19, 2007
The Purification Act Trailer
I believe this class was most recently taught in November 2006 in Toronto. Make dua that in sha Allah it will be taught again soon. And then go take it! You need this class!
Salat brings you closer to Allah subhanahu wata ala. It is the prescribed form of worship (as opposed to dua, or simple prayer), and it is a blessing from Allah subhanahu wata ala that we refresh ourselves thus five times a day.
Allah subhanahu wata ala does not need your salat. He needs nothing from any of His creation.
Rather, in your salat you participate in your faith. Ever heard a motivational speaker tell you that you have to participate in the solution to your problem? Well, when you make salat, you participate in your very salvation.
In sha Allah, may you and I be guided to Allah subhanahu wata ala's Mercy and the Straight Path. May He perfect our worship and accept it from us. Ameen.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Turn only to Allah -- Shirk in Tashahhud??
Alhamdolillah, here is a great excerpt of a lecture by Shaykh Bilal Philips. In it he not only explains the general concept of turning only to Allah subhanahu wata ala for help or salvation, but he also sheds light on an important part of salat.
All Muslims make tashahhud during salat in which they praise Allah subhanahu wata ala and wish salam upon His messenger, Muhammad, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam.
All over the world Muslims either recite the tashahhud exactly as it was taught by the Prophet, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam. Or, they recite it today as it was recited by the sahaba after the death of the Prophet, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam. After his death, the sahaba, and there are apparently multiple narrations on this point, changed the wording of the tashahhud so that it did not address the Prophet sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam as though he were still alive.
Alhamdolillah, I would not be worried that all of your salat may have been invalidated just by how you recite the tashahhud: clearly the scholars are not unanimously decided on how this part of salat should be taught or recited.
I prefer to focus on this lesson: no Muslims on the face of the planet have had a better grasp of how to practice Islam than those who got their information straight from the Messenger of Allah, subhanahu wata ala. And here we see an excellent example of their wisdom, a reminder of Muhammad sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam's humanity and mortality.
And a reminder that only Allah subhanahu wata ala is Ever-Living and Eternal.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Message to UK Students - 1 of 14
I can remember watching Ahmed Deedat's debate with Jimmy Swaggart on video tape when I was a kid. Alhamdolillah, he has been given a great gift of public speaking.
If you listen to nothing else, listen to the segment of this lecture in England that starts at 3:15. Allah subhanahu wata ala warns Muslims that Christians and Jews want Muslims to be like them.
And today I also heard the words of an apostate, Ayaan Hirsi Ali. The former Somali, former Dutch parliamentarian, former Muslimah who said explicitly that she thinks Western governments should encourage "moderate" Muslims to change their religion.
Why? Because she wants Muslims to declare that the correct relationship of man to Allah is not that man submits to the WIll of his Creator. Not that man must obey or submit to the Will of the Lord of all creation. She said that rather than submission, the relationship should be one of "confrontation."
How could anyone propose such an idea? In defending the movie she wrote in which she had verses of the Quran written on the naked bodies of women, she said she knew that she would be accused of blasphemy, but that her response was which one was holier? "The woman or the verse?" That kind of statement encapsulates her view.
Here is a woman who simply does not want to submit to the will of Allah, subhanahu wata ala. So much so that she proudly proclaims herself "Infidel," the name of her autobiography.
But she is not satisfied with her own apostasy. She is not satisfied with her own defiance of "La ilaha illAllah" -- that there is no illa, god, or supreme authority, worthy of worship except Allah.
She wants Muslims to embrace her illa, which is to say that she wants Muslims to put themselves, to put humanity, on par with its Creator.
Just the other day I heard a lecture by Muhammad Alshareef in which he was talking about a Muslimah he knew who accepted Islam. She told him that her decision to accept Islam had NOTHING to do with women's rights, NOTHING to do with the past accomplishments of Muslim civilization, NOTHING to do with anything, EXCEPT with her realization of her relationship to Allah subhanahu wata ala. And that realization was that she had to submit to His Will, alhamdolillah.
And it's that simple.
If you accept that there is no one, no concept, and no source worthy of worship, worthy of total obedience, other than Allah, your Lord, your Creator -- then submit to Him completely and become a Muslim.
If you do not want to submit to Him, then that's fine. "Lakum deenokum walihuddin" -- to you your religion, and to me mine.
Don't ask me to change the nature of Islam to satisfy you. And don't claim you'd only be asking for my benefit -- if you have a problem with me practicing Islam, IT'S YOUR PROBLEM, not mine.
Friday, February 9, 2007
Why a revert chose Islam over Shia
This video highlights one of the practical differences between the Muslims who call themselves Shia and the rest of the followers of the Prophet, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam, commonly referred to as Sunni Muslims or Ahl us Sunnah.
It's an important distinction because present-day Shia claim to be continuing in the tradition of Ali radia Allaho anho, the fourth Caliph, who was cousin and son-in-law to the Prophet, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam.
Yet these present-day Shia differ most markedly from Ali radi Allaho anho in that Ali radi Allaho anho never disrespected the other companions of the Prophet, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam. The terrible things that today's Shia attribute to the sahaba are all false.
May Allah subhanahu wata ala guide them to the straight path and to renounce their misdeeds and the lies they spread about the sahaba.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Sahaba - Muadh Ibn Jabl (raa)
Ma sha Allah! I met this brother at a class on the history of the Khulufaa. Alhamdolillah, he actually found a good way to share that information. And I vouch for his conscientiousness, too, because while at the course, I prayed fajr at a masjid near where I stayed -- it happened to be the one that he attends, and ma sha Allah, he was an organizer of an effort to increase attendance at Fajr in the masjid. May Allah subhanahu wata ala give him success in all these efforts.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Jerome Claire - How I wrestled my way to Islam ( 1 of 2 )
Ma sha Allah, here is the inspirational story of a man who was born blind, but who was taught to take care of himself. He overcame his physical limitations to join his school's wrestling team. He became a champion at age 11. Then later in life he became a professional wrestler. Learn how easily he pinned his old religious beliefs. Alhamdolillah, his sabr is something that will inspire you, just as his decision to accept Islam will bring you joy, in sha Allah.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
how to read the Holy Qur'an
Alhamdolillahi Raabbil alameen -- Praise (and worship) is due only to Allah, Lord (and Sustainer) of all creation. None of us is forsaken. The road to salvation begins with accepting that you must obey the Will of your Creator and continues with a quest for knowledge, the Guidance that He Gave all of us. Even if you deny that Allah subhanahu wata ala is the Creator, you have to search for the truth. And when you come to the Holy Quran, you cannot help but recognize it as truth. Though you may need a translation/interpretation in English to explain the meaning of the Quran to you, and the translation by Sahih International is the one I recommend, the best way to read the Quran is in its original form, in the same words in which it was revealed, in Arabic. Here's a video that helps. "The Prophet(Peace and Blessings be upon him) mentioned that the one who recites the Qur'an with difficulty, will get a Double Reward. Come attend Usamah Hammad's lessons in the science of Qur'anic recitation. Join Huda TV in honoring the book of Allah by beautifying its recitation." |
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
morality in islam [part 1/2]
Alhamdolillah, now I can add YouTube videos to this blog as easily as I could add Google videos.
Here's one by another of my favorite shuyukh -- another Yasser! Yasser Fazaga from Orange County, California.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
That's not Hijab - Ummah Films Season 2 Premiere
Okay, here's post two. I'm still in class, but a friend recommended "Ummah Films" to me, so I checked out this video during the break. It's worth watching -- really funny at times. But you do have to suspend your preconceptions. Anyway, apparently, he's really popular. Here's the Google Video description: "With over 500,000+ views on Youtube and Google Video, The Reminder series has become the biggest Muslim Video blog on the Internet. Without any further adue, here is the Season 2 video premiere, 'That's not Hijab.' Please check out the video blog on" |
Surah Rahman Quran Recitation Video Syed Sadaqat Ali
In sha Allah, I hope to post twice today to make up for missing yesterday's post. The course Usool ul Fiqh is in full swing, and it has been great so far, alhamdolillah. I'm in class right now, so I'll just post this video of the beautiful surah Rahman. |
Friday, January 19, 2007
Shaykh Yusuf Mouati - Surah ar-R'ad
In sha Allah, the Al Maghrib course Usool ul Fiqh taught by Shaykh Yasser Birjas starts tonight here in Houston, Texas. Classes will be held over the next two weekends at the University of Houston campus. Information about the course can be obtained at Back in December I posted a lecture of Shaykh Birjas entitled "Arriving at the Right Airport: Worshipping Allah... the Right Way." Here is the link for that lecture: Alhamdolillah, today's post is a beautiful recitation of the Holy Quran. Here's the Google Video description: "Shaykh Yusuf Mouati came to the Islamic Center of Passaic County (ICPC) located in Paterson, NJ and led the Taraweeh prayers there in Ramadan 1427 (2006). This is a recitation of Surah ar-R'ad." |
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Pray As You Have Seen Me Pray2
Alhamdolillah, here it is! Part 2 of the presentation on salat, prayer, in Islam. If you missed it, you can find part 1 in the links at the left. Or use the search feature at the top of the page. I pray that in sha Allah, we will all be guided by Almighty Allah, subhanahu wata ala, to the straight path. If you have questions about what you have seen here, feel free to ask questions. Usually the best place to ask questions is your local masjid or mosque. You can find your local masjid by looking in your local White Pages or by searching on-line using resources like "," see the link in the right hand column. Here's the Google Video description for this presentation (though the description applies to both halves of the video, and this half picks up in "Prayer"). "Pray As You Have Seen Me Pray is a documentary style educational film that teaches you the basics of prayer. It contains the following: "The Night Journey (Isra' wal-Mi'raj) The story of the Miraculous Night Journey in which the prayer was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from Allah (swt). "General Hygiene (Taharah) Muhammad (pbuh) said that cleanliness is one half of faith. "The Ablution (Wudu) A prerequisite of prayer is washing the parts of the body as ordered by Allah (swt) and taught by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). "Dry Ablution (Tayammum) If water is not available then one may perform a dry ablution. "Bathing (Ghusl) Bathing is required in the manner taught by Muhammad (pbuh) in certain circumstances. "The Prayer (As-Salah) All one needs to know about the prayer including: The importance of prayer, leaving the prayer, prerequisites of prayer, a detailed two units (Rak'at) of prayer, a step by step guide to performing three & four units of prayer and general points about Prayer. "Medical Benefits of Prayer & Ablution The medical world is continuously finding amazing benefits from performing prayer and ablution - Praise be to Allah (swt) the Creator of all that exists." |
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Quran Recitation
Why does it matter how we live our lives? If we do good deeds or bad deeds? If we act to help others or only to satisfy our physical and material desires? Philosophers spend much of their time grappling with such issues. And it makes sense that people want to know the answers. But who better to know our purposes and the consequences of our decisions than the One responsible for our existence? Allah subhanahu wata ala sent us messengers and prophets, may He be bless each of them in the life to come. These men came with clear signs from our Lord. And the Quran was the last such message. All your questions are answered therein. And in Islam you will find that Allah subhanahu wata ala took care of His creation's needs. |
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
The Nobles,the Companions of the Prophet,sahaba,Companions
The story of Bilal, radi Allaho anho, continues in this episode of the Huda satellite channel program, "The Nobles." |
Monday, January 15, 2007
The Nobles,the Companions of the Prophet,sahaba,Companions
Growing up in America, we learn that one of the country's greatest strengths has been social mobility -- the ability of any person in America to transcend the social strata or caste into which he is born. At times the key to that American Dream has been education, at others political power, but most often money has been the measure of a person's success if not explicitly his means. And surely, America has a history of greater social mobility than any of the European empires that ruled the lands that now make up the fifty states. But does money or social status guarantee happiness? And how long can such pleasure last? The Prophet Muhammad sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam taught that no man is better than any other save by the measure of his obedience to the Will of Almighty God, Allah subhanahu wata ala. And likewise piety and faith were the tokens of social mobility among the companions, radi Allah anhum, of the Prophet, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam. That assessment is born out marvelously in the example of the slave Bilal, radi Allah anho, who was bitterly tortured by his pagan masters when he accepted Islam. But who was one of the most beloved companions of the Prophet, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam. Today, more than 1400 years later, you will still find Muslim children all over the world of every color and nationality who are named Bilal in honor and love of the former slave. Not because of wealth. But because of how wonderful a Muslim he was, and how beloved he was to Allah subhanahu wata ala and to His Prophet, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam. |
Sunday, January 14, 2007
The Way Is One by Dr. Bilal Philips
The overwhelming majority of people do believe in Allah, subahanahu wata ala. They may not accept Him by that Name. They may prefer to call Him God or Gott or Dieu. They may simply refer to Him as a Supreme Being. They may call Him by other names that are not ones He has taken for Himself. But they believe. Because all of creation bears witness to the sheer majesty of what He created. It takes despicable arrogance and willful blindness to claim that all of creation spontaneously or meaninglessly came into being. But what separates Muslims from the rest of mankind is that we accept Him as One, Alone, Having no partner of any kind nor of any degree. Indeed, the idol worshippers of Makkah who rejected the Prophet Muhammad, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam, believed in Allah subhanahu wata ala, and even called Him by His Name. But the idol worshippers insisted that there was a pantheon of lesser gods that interceded on behalf of man. And that worshipping these intermediaries would please Allah! This lecture by Bilal Philips explains the Oneness of Allah subhanahu wata ala, and its implications. He also explains how Islam is the one religion that truly respects the Oneness of Allah subhanahu wata ala. This video is not perfect but it is a must-see for any person who thinks all religions are the same or are equally loved by Allah subhanahu wata ala. Here's the Google Video description of this recently uploaded lecture: "In this video Dr. Bilal Philips talks about madhabs, sufis, multiple paths to God, and so on." |
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Dawud Wharnsby Ali - Forging our Islamic Identities
This speaker addresses several very important topics all under the umbrella of tarbiyah, growing as a Muslim after a person makes the commitment to be a Muslim. That's a lifelong commitment, and for those of us born to Islam in America, too often one taken for granted. The commitment is personal. But the community one lives in is where we get our tarbiya. May Allah subhanahu wata ala guide each of us, keep each of us on the straight path, and allow us to grow stronger in our faith, in sha Allah. "Brother Dawud Wharnsby, a convert to Islam, starts off with a beautiful nasheed about Hijab, then continues with a talk about how we should forge our Islamic identities, then ends with another nasheed that he dedicates to his young brothers and sisters everywhere." |
Friday, January 12, 2007
Islam Lecture: "How to Exercise Patience, Part 2"
To help you be patient for one more week, in sha Allah, here's the second half of the video lecture by Shaykh Muhammad Faqih. In sha Allah, the Al Maghrib Institute course, Usool ul Fiqh, the Code of Scholars, taught by Yasser Birjas, comes to Houston, Texas, over the last two weekends of January. In sha Allah, you can register for the class on-line at This will be my fifth Al Maghrib class, and I keep coming back for more knowledge because the information is both reliable and well presented. Also, the students and instructors create a wonderful Islamic environment that I just do not get otherwise in my life. May Allah subhanahu wata ala allow me some day to live in a Muslim environment that will be good for me in this life, good for my soul in the next life, and safekeeping from the fire of hell. May He reward all the students and instructors at Al Maghrib, and may He guide all of us and you, in sha Allah. Here's the Google Video description: "Islamic lecture on June 30, 2006 titled "How to Exercise Patience" by Sheikh Muhammad Faqih, Imam of Masjid Omar Al-Farouk in Anaheim, California." |
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Islam Lecture: "How to Exercise Patience, Part 1"
Countdown to Shaykh Yasser Birjas's lecture on Usool ul Fiqh, just a bit over 8 days, in sha Allah! You can still register on-line at, but if you wait too long, you may have to register on-site at the University of Houston. In sha Allah, you can also inquire about the class by contacting the people at this web page: Here's the Google Video description for another Muhammad Faqih lecture: "Islamic lecture on June 30, 2006 titled "How to Exercise Patience" by Sheikh Muhammad Faqih, Imam of Masjid Omar Al-Farouk in Anaheim, California." |
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Matter of Manners
"Usool ul Fiqh - the Code of the Scholars" In sha Allah, Shaykh Yasser Birjas will teach this Al Maghrib Institute class here in Houston over the last two weekends of January. I am already looking forward to the comaraderie, in sha Allah. You can enroll in the class yourself by visiting the Al Maghrib Institute web site at, or use the link in the righthand margin. Here's an excerpt from the course description: "Who has authority to give a fatwa? How can one Shaykh say something to be Haram while the other deems it permissible? In this double-weekend-seminar, students will learn about Islamic rulings and their method of deduction. They will learn such things as how legislation comes to be, how texts from the Qur'an and Sunnah are analyzed, and how apparently confusing verses are understood." Here is a recorded lecture by another Al Maghrib institute instructor, Muhammad Faqih. There was no description other than the title, "A Matter of Manners." |
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Pray As You Have Seen Me Pray
Ma sha Allah, today I found a great video. It answers virtually every question one could have about the salat, or prayer, that Muslims make every day to Allah subhanahu wata ala. Why do Muslims pray five times a day? Because we were commanded to by Allah, Who alone created and sustains everything else in the Universe. Who could possibly appreciate the Majesty, Power, and Mercy of Allah, and then refuse to bow down to Him in prayer? Refusing to obey the command of Allah to prostrate was Satan's sin. Allah subhanahu wata ala commanded all of the Angels and Jinn, including Satan, to prostrate to Adam, may peace by upon him, to acknowledge Adam's place in Creation. Satan refused to obey Allah, his own Creator. Why? Because in his pride Satan did not accept that Allah's Supremacy meant he had to obey completely. It was only one prostration that cost Satan so much. How much sorrow for those people who refuse to prostrate to Allah, Himself? This video's Google description details the topics covered, but please note that the video ends before covering the prayer itself. In sha Allah, whoever uploaded this portion of the video may upload the rest soon. And I hope to post that portion too, in sha Allah. "Pray As You Have Seen Me Pray is a documentary style educational film that teaches you the basics of prayer. It contains the following: The Night Journey (Isra' wal-Mi'raj) The story of the Miraculous Night Journey in which the prayer was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from Allah (swt). General Hygiene (Taharah) Muhammad (pbuh) said that cleanliness is one half of faith. The Ablution (Wudu) A prerequisite of prayer is washing the parts of the body as ordered by Allah (swt) and taught by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Dry Ablution (Tayammum) If water is not available then one may perform a dry ablution. Bathing (Ghusl) Bathing is required in the manner taught by Muhammad (pbuh) in certain circumstances. The Prayer (As-Salah) All one needs to know about the prayer including: The importance of prayer, leaving the prayer, prerequisites of prayer, a detailed two units (Rak'at) of prayer, a step by step guide to performing three & four units of prayer and general points about Prayer. Medical Benefits of Prayer & Ablution The medical world is continuously finding amazing benefits from performing prayer and ablution - Praise be to Allah (swt) the Creator of all that exists." |
Monday, January 8, 2007
Written in Stone: Tips on memorizing the Qurân
How many people out there know that Allah subhanahu wata ala promised the Muslims to protect the Quran from being altered or lost? Those were the fates of the revelations sent to previous messengers including Jesus and Moses, may peace be upon them. How many of those people recognize that one of the means by which Allah subhanahu ata ala protects the Quran is by the love of the Muslims for it. A love which enables countless Muslims to memorize the Quran in its entirety, ma sha Allah. These hufadh or guardians have memorized the entire book in its original Arabic. And the wonder of it is that the Quran is so preserved all over the world, even by men and women who have not yet learned Arabic. Yet those same men and women can correct any book that is printed or any imam or scholar who might make an error in recitation. Alhamdolillah. All praise be to Allah. Allah Ho Akbar! Allah is Greater! Here is a presentation offering tips to students of the Quran who want to go on to memorize it. The Google Video description follows: "This article is meant those who have taken their first steps, not those who are still waiting for motivation. It is dedicated to all our young brothers and sisters in Qu’ran Hifdh schools (and all the wanna bes J). In sha Allah, I will discuss how you can become more effective in your memorization of the Qur’an. "Let me ask this question, “Who wants to memorize the Qur’an?†No doubt, the hands initially will rise slowly, but then almost everyone should have their hand raised. But, most truthfully, is that desire a sincere, heartfelt desire? If it was, then action would follow. If I said, “Who wants to lose weight?†Most people would raise their hands and upon being asked would mention the steps they are taking to achieve their goal. What steps are we taking to memorize the Qur’an if indeed our intentions are passionate?" |
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Angela Colins Revert to Islam After 9/11 on Fox News
Ma sha Allah, here is a well-spoken Muslimah, a principal at a Muslim private school in Southern California. She faces the barbed questions of the Fox television interviewer with a great calm and reserve. I met this sister once in April 2006 at the Islamic Center of Irvine, and, ma sha Allah, in person she seems resolute and happy with her choice of Islam. May Allah subhanahu wata ala guide all of us to, and keep us on, the straight path, the path of those on whom is His favor, not the path of those on whom is His wrath. Alhamdolillah, all praise is to Allah. Allah Ho Akbar, Allah is Greater. |
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Tawaf and Prayer during hajj 2006/2007 in Mecca in holy mosque 30.12.2006
Ma sha Allah, this is my favorite of the Hajj footage videos. It shows the pilgrims at Makkah performing some of the last rites of the Hajj, Tawaf (walking around the Kaaba, seven circuits) and Sa'i (walking between Safa and Marwah, seven trips from one to the other). But it also shows how all activity stops at the time of prayer. And the sheer number of Muslims at the Holy Mosque in Makkah. You can see that all three stories are packed with pilgrims. You even see footage of the basement level, the outside of the masjid, and interior areas where people are praying or walking to join those performing Tawaf and Sa'i. It's wonderful. And except when they stop for prayers, the audio of the Hajjis shows clearly that they are constant in praising Allah, subhanahu wata ala. The Eid talbiyah rings out "Allah Ho Akbar," Allah is Greater. Alhamdolillah, several days have passed since the footage was taken. And by today a very large number of Hajjis have already returned home. Of those who remain, many have gone to Madinah, the city of the Prophet, sull Allahi alayhi wa sallam. |
Friday, January 5, 2007
Jamarat (stoning pillars) in the morning during hajj 2006 in Mecca 30.12.06
The Jamarat are the pillars at which Hajjis throw stones on Eid ul Adha, the day after Arafat, as well as on the next 2 to 3 days. For the most part, the stones were collected by the Hajjis during the night in Muzdalifah before going to sleep. Until roughly 10 years ago, the pillars were like cones with square bases. They can be seen in Hajj videos I posted last week in December. But as the number of Hajjis has grown more and more people would be injured by stones because Hajjis throw from all around the Jamarat. And some Hajjis are not careful to pick very small pebbles. And some Hajjis get angry while they throw because they imagine that hitting the stones is literally a strike against the devil, and they want to show their hatred of the devil. So they throw with great force, and throw even their sandals at the pillars. So the Saudi government's solution was to transform the fairly small pillars into long, tall walls and to build a second road on an overpass running along both sides of the now two-story Jamarat. The walls were much safer to throw at because no stones would hit Hajjis on the other side by mistake. But a second problem persisted. At peak throwing times so many people are gathered at such a small spot that there have been a few incidents when the crowd has stampeded. Sometimes it happens merely because people panic when they cannot move forwards. Or when some people try to go against the press of the crowd rather than submit to the direction in which others are moving. Most of the deaths that people here about during Hajj occur during such moments. And there was a small stampede in fact in January of 2006 when I made Hajj. The loss of life is incredibly small, perhaps 200 people out of 3 million Hajjis; the Hajji who dies during Hajj goes to Paradise, in sha Allah; and no one can avert what Allah subhanahu wata ala has decreed. Still the complaints from governments around the world are loud. So, the Saudis have returned to the design table and begun construction on a new Jamarat design which hopes to alleviate further the danger of stampede. You can see signs of the ongoing construction in the background of this video footage of this year's Hajj. Again no Google Video description besides the title. May Allah subhanahu wata ala Bless the Saudis for taking measures to further protect the Hajjis, and may He accept the Hajj and prayer of all the Hajjis, in sha Allah. |
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Lots of pilgrims walking to Muzdalifah from Arafat / Arafah during Hajj 2006
This video uploaded yesterday is also in Arabic, but it is great coverage of the Hajjis on their way from Arafat to Muzdalifah. If you are in a hurry, try sliding ahead to 6:15 or 9:00 and you will see a river of Hajjis making their way. The pilgrims are coming from the wuquf at Arafat, standing or sitting in prayer during the day, seeking forgiveness for every mistake or sin of the past, seeking protection from the fire, and seeking the bounty and strength of Allah subhanahu wata ala in this life and on the Day of Judgment. May Allah subhanahu wata ala grant their prayers and accept their Hajj, in sha Allah. As this night began the Hajjis left their station in Arafat and began walking or riding in buses to Muzadalifah. Here they are commanded by Allah subhanahu wata ala to spend the night in the open, with no tents or buildings to shelter them. Indeed, they are not even to pull blankets above their heads. Again, every Hajji is made equal. Even if some had grand tents in Mina and some had to sleep on the street, even if some enjoyed grand meals in Arafat and some had to be content with dates, here, they are again absolutely equal. When one wakes in Muzadalifah, the Hajji appreciates all the bounty that Allah subhanahu wata ala has given him in this life. Alhamdolillah, all praise is for Allah. Allah Ho Akbar, Allah is Greater. |
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Arafat at daytime during Hajj 2006
Here is some footage from Hajj that was posted yesterday on Google Video. There's no description besides the title, and the video is in Arabic. But look carefully, and use the slider to advance the video to scenes of the Hajjis. You'll notice that the plain of Arafat is teeming with Muslims, alhamdolillah. And you'll notice that the Ihram, the garb of the Hajji, obliterates the markings of wealth or family status. Every Hajji is an equal to every other Hajji because each has made the journey for the sake of Allah subhanahu wata ala. Indeed when we leave this life, nothing will distinguish one man from another save his deeds. And no man will be better than another except by the balance of his good deeds over his bad. And no one will enter Paradise, no one at all, except by the Mercy of Allah subhanahu wata ala. Alhamdolillah, all praise is for Allah. May He accept the Hajj of every Hajji. May He Guide all of us and you to the straight path, the path of those with whom He is pleased. |
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Bilal Philips - The True Religion of God
"As salamu alaykum wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuhu." When Muslims greet each other, the first thing they wish each other is salam. Salam is wished upon everyone in fact, Muslim or non-Muslim. Salam is often translated into "peace." But peace is really a connotation as opposed to a literal meaning of the word. Salam is wholeness and the absence of harm or injury. One of the names of Allah subhanahu wata is "as Salam" which can be translated as the perfect and beyond harm. Wishing salam on a person can thus mean both wishing them physical peace by virtue of wishing the person be free of harm to wishing them the spiritual peace of nearness to Allah subhanahu wata ala. So to all of you, as salamu alaykum. And to my Muslim brothers and sisters, I add, wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuhu. May you also be blessed with His Mercy, and receive His Bounty in this life and in the next. Allah subhanahu wata ala has made for Himself the standard of being "ar Rahman" -- a level of Mercy that is hard to comprehend, but basically means that no one can show as much of His creation as much Mercy as He can. But for those who reject Allah subhanahu wata ala, Mercy is limited to this life. So we do not wish them Mercy that Allah subhanahu wata ala would deny them. Instead we wish for those people, no matter how evil or hateful, guidance. For Allah subhanahu wata ala is "ar Raheem," the height of His Mercy is beyond comparison. So for those who become guided, who become Muslim, who submit to the reality of the one God, Allah, the same God of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, He Forgives everything they ever did before that point. It is a Mercy that no human being could imagine. But it is a proof of the purpose of creation, to worship Him alone. Allah Ho Akbar -- Allah is Greater. So asalamu alaykum to all, and to all of us, may we always be blessed with and cleave to His guidance, for no one can lead astray whom He guides, and no one can guide whom He has left astray. (No Google Video description other than the video title.) |
Monday, January 1, 2007
Latifa (Rachel) becomes Muslim Islam
For someone who comes to Islam in a non-Muslim country, acceptance by family and friends is sometimes a great challenge. But the greatest sacrifices are the ones made for the sake of Allah, subhanahu wata ala. May Allah subhanahu wata ala accept their repentence and shahada, and may He guide their families and friends to the straight path. Here is an excerpt of a British documentary on a new Muslimah. The Google Video description: "Story about Latifa(Rachel) becomes Muslim. Features interview with her and her family." |